In the spirit of seeing those ideas in action, here is a list that I have collected of some libraries that use RSS feeds (in no particular order)
- "Want to know what new items have just arrived in the MIT Libraries?" They have a lot of feeds available (broken down by subject).
- Minneapolis Public Library has feeds for new materials, website updates, links of interest and library events at
- USF Library has a list of "Whats New in the USF Library Media Collection" and library "News" and "Events" feeds. They can be found here :
- USF Library also provides the option of making a feed from any catalog search that you do, even those complicated "advanced searches" (good for searches that you do often, for example, items in your field of research, new from your favorite author, etc). USF's catalog :
- Feeds from the New York Public Library:
Best of the Web - new links selected by NYPL librarians, NYPL Labs, Blogging@NYPL
Databases and Indexes Online- recent additions, Calendar Feeds : New! Small Business Events in NYC, Today's Classes, Today's Events for Adults, Today's Events for Teens, Today's Events for Children, Exhibitions at NYPL. - Lots of feeds of new additions to the Aubrey R. Watzek Library (Lewis and Clark College) are available by format, by language and by subject.
- Syracuse University Library has feeds of "Recent Additions to the Collection" (a large number broken down by subject) and "Library News" available at
And some links about RSS in libraries
- RSS4Lib : Innovative ways libraries use RSS
- Library Instruction - (very) basic intro to RSS for libraries July 8th, 2005 by Chad (Hidden Peanuts)
- RSS By Meredith Farkas - Posted on June 28th, 2006 ( - The essence of information technology for library decision-makers.)